The hunting of the woodcock and its future.
Update on Repro 2019!
Each year the reproduction of the European Woodcock depends on at least three factors.
1 - The number of Breeders.
2 - The weather conditions during breeding, mainly during the period considered as critical. For us from May 10 to July 10.
3 - The weather conditions during the secondary period July 10 to August 31.
Our weather observations concern the major breeding countries. Russia, Fennoscandia, the Baltic States, Central Europe, i.e. 11 countries 40 regions, particularly the 41 sites or 113 Woodcock equipped with Argos beacons, have been breeding since 2012.
This year the English Woodcock Watch project stopped, we could not observe the behavior of their Woodcock in reproduction.
1 - Evaluation of the 2019 breeding population.
For France, assuming that the values of the Age / Ratio Hunting and Banding are not too far from reality *, which remains to be analyzed ; the samples stable in% compared to the emergence, no proven abnormal natural mortality (which seems to be the case), we could validate a relatively stable breeding population or a slight decrease compared to 2018.
To confirm this, our information on the croule in Russia shows a stable presence of males on some sites, low on others.
* In question the anomalies noted on their values.
2 - Weather conditions during the critical period May 10 - July 10.
This year the Breeders arrived a week in advance at many sites, especially Russians, on the normal dates for most of the others. This is a rather positive indicator.
As this country is home to around 70% * (including 9% of Asians) of European Woodcock breeders, the recorded meteorological conditions are decisive in assessing the importance of the number of young in the migratory population for the 2019/2020 season.
From May 15 to June 25, temperatures above the average for the last decade, significant deficit of precipitation more marked in the West than in the East, low humidity of both the soil and the air.
These conditions mainly concern Central and Western Russia. The regions of Arkhangelsk, Republic of Komi, the Urals, Vologda experienced cooler episodes, some precipitation and therefore more humidity.
From the end of June until the end of July the weather became cool but not cold with mostly light rains almost every day. Temperatures remained between 10 ° and 25 °, weak to moderate winds without violent phenomena. These observations are valid for the majority of the regions of Western Russia with, however, some disparities.
The weather from May to the end of June certainly allowed a good success of the hatching of the early broods, even if the young could have run out of food. The conditions from the end of June to the end of July then allowed all the young people to eat and develop properly without suffering too much from the humidity.
For Western Russia including Eastern Ukraine on the Russian border, no particular concerns during the critical period.
Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark are home to around 15% of European breeding.
The second half of May and early June the temperatures remained a little cold especially at night and in the morning, normal for these countries during the day. Slight rain deficit, soil and air humidity just correct.
At the end of June and part of July the temperatures remained between 10 and 23 °, good rains sometimes abundant in Norway, correct soil and air humidity. Light to moderate winds, few thunderstorms.
For these countries the weather conditions can be considered normal to just normal for the survival of the young during the critical period.
Baltic States and Belarus.
Estonia, Latvia and Belarus represent around 10% of the European breeding population.
From late May to late June normal to above average temperatures with heterogeneous rainfall deficits. Lack of soil moisture especially in the West.
Then at the end of June and the beginning of July the conditions became correct, favoring the rearing of the young.
For these three countries nothing alarming during the breeding season.
Central Europe .
Poland (especially) and Germany (few) represent around 6% of the breeding population. Even though the soils in Poland remained drier than the norm especially in the West from May 10 to the end of June, the humidity of the air and the soil did not drop to an alarming level, of especially since the rain fell a little at the beginning of July. We believe, however, that the young people certainly had difficulty feeding and developing during the critical period.
Weather conditions during the secondary period July 10 - August 31.
For all the countries observed (a few times for Poland) the weather conditions during the secondary period remained normal and even correct.
This is true for temperatures, rain, soil and air humidity, light to moderate winds, few severe thunderstorms. We can deduce that for the young people their development and the preparation for the moult took place under good conditions.
Eastern Siberia.
Eastern Siberia is home to around 9% of the reproduction of European Woodcock, these are the " Asians ". These birds went to the Krasnoyarsk and Kansk regions. These great migrants come mostly from the wintering countries located further south. They travel around 6,000 kms to go to reproduce, as much to return to winter.
The weather conditions in these areas were dry with little precipitation, very little soil moisture and air. Difficult conditions during the critical period for young people lasting for part of the secondary period.
Reproduction should be considered bad.
The Fires in Eastern Siberia.
The impact of the fires will be minimal on the migratory workforce that comes to France. The French regions and the countries located more in the South could perhaps feel it. Forest fires are common in Russia, with the Russians most often letting nature stop it. This year it is the importance of the areas burned which calls out. Ultimately these phenomena are always detrimental to the species.
Given the weather conditions, we are looking for a 2019 reproduction Fairly Good Plus to Good, with a good percentage of young suitable for migration.
Concerning the European migratory number, it remains dependent on the number of breeding adults. It could register a slight drop at best stability . We will refine our forecasts after analyzing the Age / Ratio 2018/2019. For France with normal wintering weather conditions, there is a risk of a small drop in the number of migrants and wintering here, with a very heterogeneous distribution given the drought.
Woodcock equipped with Argos beacons are those which give the most reliable estimates, to know the evaluation of the percentage of the numbers in each breeding country.
Philippe Vignac Franck Ricaud
September 2019