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Here is the only study  des Bécargos Européennes, produced by specialist Philippe Vignac.

Philippe Vignac is above all a hunter, passionate about woodcock  of course, but also of pointing dog, of Pointer, the breed which he particularly likes.  The situation that we encounter on the ground, has objectively been a trigger for you to benefit from his experience and his studies, which you will discover in the following pages.

His study, unique in Europe, carried out by a man in the field,  it will allow you to discover an analysis in total symbiosis with the reality on the ground  , that we hunters, we have observed for several years now. 

Observations of Bécargos from 2012 to 2017 

In six years I have followed and observed 109 Woodcock which were fitted with Argos Beacons.

English: 62  -  Spanish: 11  -  French: 24  -  Italian: 12

Distribution of breeding sites by country.

For  100  Migratory on breeding site 

Western Russia:  57

Eastern Russia:  9 

Finland  :  4

Sweden  :  8

Norway  :  4

Denmark  :  1

Estonia:  1

Latvia  :  6

Belarus  :  4

Ukraine  :  1

Poland  :  4

Germany: 1

Total Russia:  66% 

of which Eastern Russia: 9%

Total  Scandivanie  :  17  %

Total Baltic States  :  7  %

Total  central Europe  :  10  %

The English Bécargos being over-represented, we can deduce that Russia is home to around 75% of the European breeding population of Woodcock.

    English Bécargos  : Woodcock Watch Project 2012 to 2017, of which I personally sponsored several Woodcock.


    Spanish Bécargos  : Project Scolopax sin Fronteras 2012 to 2017. The Spaniards who equipped before 2012 are the first to have done so.


     French Bécargos  : Woodcock and Migration 2015 and 2016  . Project resulting from a collaboration between the National Bécassiers Club (CNB), and the National Hunting and Wildlife Office (ONCFS).


     Italian Bécargos  : Scolopax Overland 2012 and 2013. Since then, the Italians no longer communicate, but continue to equip.

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