The hunting of the woodcock and its future.

Woodcock and Argos Beacons
Today the study of migratory birds necessarily involves real-time localization to then collect the data, analyze it and henceforth better understand their behavior during the migration.

Each beacon is characterized by an identification number which is specific to its transmission electronics. Argos beacons regularly emit short messages which are transmitted to the ground by the satellites.
A beacon transmits periodically transmits a message characterized by the following parameters: Each beacon transmits for 10 h, then 48 h are necessary for recharging the battery. The transmission frequency 401.651 Mhz with a tolerance of 30 Khz which must be stable, because the calculation of the localization is based on the measurement of the effect "Doppler". The repetition period is the time interval between two consecutive message sending. It varies from 90 seconds to 200 seconds depending on the use of the transmitter beacon.

Parameters for each Argos beacon
The Argos beacon identification number
the data transmitted by the Argos transmitter beacons
The transmission time of each message is less than one second
When it becomes visible, the NOAA * satellite records these signals and sends them back to a station and a computer center. * National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (American agency)