The hunting of the woodcock and its future.

Analysis of the use of Argos beacons.
After studying the operating principle of the Argos beacon, we will provide answers and confirmations on the behavior of the woodcock.
For many years now in the world, the Argos beacon is used for the study of migratory birds including the woodcock.
The Spaniards in 2006 and the Russians were the forerunners to study the woodcock using the Argos tag, the Italians and the English also have been studying the woodcock for some time.
In 2015 the French also decided to take the plunge, the CNB * with the help of L'Oncfs fitted 12 woodcock the first year and 12 the following year. * national club of woodcock

Philippe Vignac's study provides essential answers on the behavior of our equipped bird.
109 European woodcock make up this study
98% are loyal to their wintering sites
97% are loyal to their breeding sites
75 % of Woodcock are born in Russia

Philippe Vignac's study focused on Spanish and Italian woodcock , English and French, a total of 104 woodcock are the subject of this study. This study provides figures which confirm that 98% of woodcock are faithful to their wintering sites. 97% of them are loyal to their reproduction sites. At least 75% of woodcock have their breeding sites in Russia. These figures will be useful to analyze the situation in our country and in particular the behavior of woodcock in the face of change. climate.
Therefore we are entitled to ask ourselves this question, given that woodcock are very few sensitive to climate change. How to explain the significant drop in the workforce in our country? Where are they ?
Is the workforce declining? Unfortunately, we have the answer, in terms of the numbers, woodcock being very few sensitive to climate change, therefore , it is obvious that the woodcock herd is decreasing in our regions in proportions and at a worrying rate!