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Education  and  confirmations.

Russia is the breeding country of European Woodcock. Crossing the Urals is not anecdotal. Nine Woodcock crossed it, traveling more than 6000 kms to join their SRs.

    Loyalty to breeding sites.


  97% of Woodcock joined their SR for two years or more

  WENSUM female equipped in 2013 in England is the oldest.

For the fifth consecutive year she is on her SR Finland.


    Reproduction timing  .


  Arrivals at breeding sites  : April 10 - May 15.

   Start of reproduction  :                May 01-June 15.

   End of reproduction  :                     June 19 - July 14.


    Average distance traveled during the breeding time.


  For Males  :      150 kms.

  For Females  :  15 kms.


    Number of broods and replacement broods.


  Unless particularly favorable conditions, behavior, timing of reproduction, values of Age / Ratio, show that females only brood per year.

By their behavior, Bécargos validate the replacement brood after the failure of the first one.


    Mortality during Premarital Migration and Reproduction.


  Since 2012 the result of my research on the natural mortality of adults,  the PAM (Predation, Accidents, Diseases) places it around 30%.

To this should be added the Croule Levies, especially in Russia.

Getting to estimate this percentage of mortality is essential for the knowledge and management of the species.

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