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    Argos beacons recovered from dead Woodcock.


  For six years, nine Argos Beacons have been recovered.

   Four at the Croule in Russia  .

   One on the hunt in Spain.

   Four predates (England, Spain, France, Russia).

   This represents 9% of Bécargos  !


   Loyalty to the Hivernage sites.


  To my knowledge since 2012, ie five years, out of 53 surviving adult migrant women, 52 have returned to their wintering site, some of them several times. That's a percentage of 98%.

This observation confirms even today, the fidelity of Woodcock to their wintering site.


    Lifespan of Argos Beacons on Woodcock.


  WENSUM the dean proves  that the wearing time of a beacon can  exceed four years.

Equipped in March 2013, it is on August 31, 2017  four years and 5 months


    Average time spent wearing Argos Beacons.


  Of the 59 English Bécargos equipped from 2012 to 2016, the average duration of the port of Balise Argos was 395 days as of August 30, 2017.


Impact of climate change on Woodcock

  To date, whatever the climatic conditions in Breeding and Wintering, 98% of Adults have not changed their habits in any way. Whether it's exceptional softness like in 2015/2016, or the cold snap and prolonged frost of 2016/2017. There is no sign that the Young people did not have the same behavior.


                                                            Philippe  Vignac


September 2017

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