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Caution is required  !





The temporary closure of woodcock hunting is only imperative when there is a cold wave with a prolonged period of frost in Eastern Europe and the majority of our territory, (Example January 2017 ). It must be applied at the same time on the whole of the French territory.


For the 2017/2018 season, proposing or requesting the early closure of Woodcock hunting (as understood), would have been or would be a mistake  ; especially since it should concern the entire territory.


On the other hand, the hunting world of the Woodcock, always ready to approve the reassuring comments of the Oncfs Woodcock Network on the species, it was shown to be very soft on the knees to react when it announced a 2017 reproduction Bad to Poor  ; and he continues.

Moreover since this announcement, the deafening silence of the same Bécasse Oncfs network on the measures to be adopted, denotes in the French hunting landscape.

It is whispered that the management of the Cnb will ask to lower the daily and weekly withdrawals for the end of the season. So much the better if it's true  ; but confidential this information will have little impact.


We are already on January 06. Overall for France around 80 to 85% of samples are taken and almost nothing has been done  !

It is therefore urgent to take drastic measures to reduce levies throughout France, so that they are only symbolic in January and February 2018.


In the meantime, as of today Responsible Hunters, do not take any more.

Something is wrong for woodcock  !

This is what we have been saying since November.

Philippe Vignac   Franck Ricaud 

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