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Anecdotes on the quantities of woodcock observed and collected in the past.

  • 1788  It is not uncommon at the beginning of the arrival of woodcock, to meet some days up to forty, fifty and more, in a small wooden canton.

  • 1791  In the Methodical Encyclopedia. Woodcock like valleys and willingly diverting the path they first took, leaving the woods, to come and get there. There are such of these passages, or it happens to see twelve or fifteen in the space of half an hour on the lookout.

 1831   In the journal of  1840, an article mentions an anecdote. In 1831 there were so many woodcock that they were sold for a penny  at the market, this is positive the garrison of Pontivy (Morbihan) ate woodcock salmis with an accompaniment of potatoes. These virtuous herders cooked huge pots of it, which made a pleasant diversion from the classic boiled beef and mutton bean.

  1846  Dictionary of forests and hunting. The hunt for  in the past, this hunting is done in the dark and requires only half an hour of occupation, it costs little and makes a lot of profit. Some individuals are caught there up to eight hundred woodcock per year.

   1855  Adolphe D'houdetot  .

I did not believe in these giblets, these woodcock butchers before I attended them in person. In Brittany, in Normandy, only a few leagues from the sea, in small scattered woods, I saw 150 woodcock killed in a single day by three hunters.

Adolphe D'houdetot, journalist, writer and hunter, has published numerous books on hunting.

1799 - 1869

Today, some people no longer have the limit to obtain the latest technologies to facilitate direct debits.

We wish to  these latter  inform them that their  ancestors were  aware that  taking too much already presented a danger for the sustainable management of a species.

  • 1867   Extract from a book  from 1867.

  • The ordinance of 1578, those of 1600 ..... 1601 and 1607 absolutely condemn the use of sleeping dogs * in hunting, order to put to  dead in all places the sleeping dogs * and pronounce, in case of contravention, pecuniary penalties which will be doubled and tripled, if there is a recurrence, and to which are added  for common delinquents, the yards  and banishment.

The use of sleeping dogs is strictly and expressly forbidden by this article, because this hunt is cook.  

  At the end of the 18th century this hunting was tolerated, without having been allowed regularly. sleeping dog,   was once  , the name given to  dog  stop .. 

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