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more ... The health of the Woodcock.



The 2013/2014 direct debits represent a high value. In Gironde they were 30% higher than the average for the last six seasons. By extrapolation we can deduce that for France, the estimate of removals is currently closer to 600,000 Woodcock on average per year than to 736,000. Sacred drop  !

    In the early 2000s, the PMA in Brittany increased from 50 to 30 Woodcock per season. It was to be extended in 2011 to the whole of France, thanks in particular to the action of the President of the CNB at the time JP. Campana.

    With withdrawals estimated at the beginning of the 2000s at one million against 600,000 today, the level of the PMA is still adapted  ?



Abundance forecast of the Woodcock ONCFS network compared to the ICA of the Cnb.

          2013/14                 2014/15                  2015/16                   2016/17

Yves Ferrand's ONCFS forecast  

  ref ICA CNB + season quality

                 1.60                        1.50                          1.50                           1.40

             Good year                  Medium                 in the average              below average

ICA results and season quality

     CNB for comparison

                 1.73                         1.62                         1.59                            1.76

              Very good                    Good                      Good                       Record year

This table shows the difficulty, even for specialists, of making reliable forecasts  ; despite new techniques, trips to Russia, observation of weather conditions during breeding. So in terms of the health of the European herd ...  At a minimum, great caution in believing their statements.   

   The extent of the breeding area with biotopes still protected  ; their way of life and food, allow Woodcock to resist better than other species of birds to the attacks undergone. This is why we can be amazed by their ability to resist the blows they suffer. But this resistance has limits, which seem to have been reached or even exceeded. Our differences over his condition are real but not insurmountable. Between the virtuoso Optimists of the Ostrich technique (all is well) and the pure and hard pessimists (he  there are no more) are the realists (downward trend in the European herd), whose analyzes will allow it to be hoped, to better protect the species and its sport hunting with dogs  .

                             Let's not drink the Woodcock, but let's drink to their health  !

             A Château la Bécasse or a Domaine la Mordorée will make  very well the deal  ; with moderation...   



                                                                                                                      september 2017                                                                                 Philippe Vignac

    Sources  :


    National Office for Hunting and Wildlife. Estimate of withdrawals

1983/1984 - 1998/1999 - 2013/2014.

    Newsletter of the Bécasse de L'Oncfs network.


    Yves Ferrand, François Gossmann  . Estimation of 2000/2001 and 2007/2008 levies.


    National Club of Bécassiers. Hunting index of Abundance and quality of the season published in La Mordorée.

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