The hunting of the woodcock and its future.
Autumn Migration 2018, the point!
Each season we estimate the conditions and the quality of the Autumn Migration on December 20 in France and in other wintering countries.
This is to allow us to have a chronological and global view of the migration of the European woodcock herd.
It is accepted that on this date the post nuptial migration is over. ; except for the Christmas passage (for those who believe in it) and some erratic movements.
Weather conditions in Migration.
From mid-September favorable conditions in the breeding countries, decided the Woodcock to gradually leave their breeding sites.
Consequences : A fairly early passage started at the end of the first ten days of October then continued steady for a first small peak at the end of the month.
Despite the relative mildness at the beginning of November, three successive cold snaps accentuated the migration, with a peak around the middle of the month, then another during the third decade.
In the first decade of December, despite the mild weather, the last birds of the autumn migration have probably arrived.
Conclusion : Thanks to correct and favorable conditions (temperatures and winds), the majority of the migrating European woodcock flock left almost all of the breeding countries rather early, then in the same way a large part of the transit countries, to reach the wintering countries.
Quality of Reproduction.
The first percentages of the Age / Ratio hunting and banding, although still fragmented, suggest that the quality of reproduction was Fairly Good. Hopefully the trend is confirmed.
State and size of the workforce.
For birds that are not thin, it seems that the weight mass continues its downward trend, with more and more Woodcock not exceeding 300 grams.
As we thought, the heterogeneous quality of biotopes, a consequence of more or less severe and recurring drought depending on the region, has amplified the phenomenon of concentrations and inevitably created deserts.
Because for all wild game, looking for prey to eat is the first concern ; Woodcock do not escape trusting their " radar ".
Consequences : Traffic in some areas, little or not in many others.
Results : Those who have birds hunt as much as possible ; those who have little of it hardly hunt any more.
One more season with the values of the Ica, it will be difficult to interpret the size of the workforce in order to know the reality of wood.
It should be noted on the banding sites, most often not hunted or surrounded by non-hunted sites, that the presence is good, the weight of the birds fairly stable, the Age / Ratio in accordance with the quality of reproduction. ; for the moment.
Since the start of migration, almost all of us have observed the particularly wild and pious behavior of Woodcock in most hunting areas. For the herd, these behaviors have never been a good sign to know the trend in which the numbers are evolving.
However to mitigate these observations, some birds (very often young) played the " soup tureens ". Several hunters may be more numerous than other seasons, were fortunate enough to raise the " pairons ".
Conclusion as of December 20, 2018.
It seems to be confirmed that on December 20 the great majority of the European workforce arrived in the wintering countries, in particular in France.
Even if the autumn rains, heavy in the South-South-East regions, allowed a less heterogeneous distribution than last season, there were over the whole of the territory deep disparities between the North and the South, between regions, departments, cantons or even communes.
It will be necessary to verify how the principle of communicating vessels worked, in order to be able to give the 2018/2019 season the qualification of Good Enough (which seems to be the case today), because season after season, it is confirmed that there are more and more deserts ... or almost deserts. Interesting research and analysis in perspective, so as not to rely solely on " feeling From a few.
Among our Italian friends, attendance seems satisfactory although heterogeneous, with a good continuous presence in medium mountains, then in the plains in regions watered by rivers and the river (Po) of other regions with a mediocre to poor presence. It should be noted that for the first time, woodcock hunting will be closed this season on 12/31 in Liguria (region of Genoa).
For Spain little news as often, but in the opinion of some observers, there could be a lack of birds for this autumn migration.
This start of the season has allowed hunters (not all) to bring their dogs in the presence of Woodcock, for beautiful encounters and emotions. To be able to extend them over the next few seasons ; if a cold snap with prolonged frost arrives in January 2019, it should lead to the immediate closure of hunting in all the wintering countries, starting with us.
It should be the most basic wisdom.
December 24, 2018
Philippe Vignac Franck Ricaud
photo taken on 12/22/18 by franck ricaud