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We can always do otherwise!




    From my observations it appears  (with the exception which confirms the rule), that the strong cold wave with prolonged frost recorded over Europe during the 2016/2017 season, pushed almost the entire European Migratory workforce of the Woodcock to leave more or earlier, first the breeding countries, then the transit countries to reach the wintering countries.


    Throughout the season we have observed at the level of countries, regions, departments, hunting sectors, the phenomenon of  packets (Lots of Woodcock in small areas and almost nothing for miles). This season, this phenomenon, which is not new, has been amplified by the drought with less receptive biotopes, poor in prey from October to January.


    This phenomenon which energizes Ica and Ian is a trompe l'oeil, because if we compare 2016/2017 with the cold spells and prolonged frost of the last decade on January (2008 / 2009- 2009/2010), we see a significant lack of Woodcock in France.


     Of course the Cnb Ica reached its record value (1.76), but it was only slightly boosted by the cold snap (Autumnal Ica 1.62)  ; while once again hunting has not closed on the refuge areas of the Channel Atlantic Mediterranean coast, but also (they are not better) on the Italian and Greek coast, either wherever there were birds  !





                          These observations can mean at least two things  :



In view of the values of Age / Ratio hunting (64.5) and banding (55.8) , reproduction   would have been only passable when we judged it in view of the weather conditions rather good enough  ; hence a lack of young people.


In my opinion, the lack of birds also stems from a downward trend in the European breeding population.  ; a trend that I have not ceased to observe and denounce for ten years, thanks to the results of my research and observations. Decrease confirmed by the fall in the estimate of withdrawals in France over the last thirty years, which is still a signal  not encouraging optimism.


    We can always do otherwise than listen and believe for more than 10 years, that the Woodcock is in good health with stable numbers.  ; especially when his situation  becomes worrying.







                                              September 2017                      Philippe Vignac                       

Sources  :


  Club National des Bécassiers (CNB). Hunting Index of Abundance

(ICA) and AGE / RATIO Hunting.


  National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS)  .

  AGE / RATIO Banding  .

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