The hunting of the woodcock and its future.

Throughout the 2018 Repro, vigilance is required !
This study is the result of the observation of the weather conditions in the breeding countries, in particular on the 40 sites where 109 Bécargos went to reproduce since 2012, plus the behavior of the English Bécargos during the repro 2018.
Arrivals at breeding sites.
They took place from April 18 to May 5, with a slight delay at a few sites in Russia.
At most of the breeding sites, temperatures were warmer than normal, with mostly cloudy skies, little precipitation resulting in relatively low humidity. Little wind.
Conditions appear to be good for Croule *, nesting and brooding.
Small flat the humidity a little low.
* In Russia, the number of males observed at the croule on the usual sites is decreasing (Bécasse Oncfs network).
Month of June.
June is the crucial period for young people. The peak of the outbreaks must have occurred between June 01 and June 15.
Russia. On the majority of sites good climatic conditions with a tendency to a lack of humidity. A little cool on the Urals. In the Komi Republic, conditions did not become correct until around the 20th. Eastern Russia, as usual from the last decade.
Scandinavian countries.
These are the best conditions observed since 2012, with even a lack of humidity, especially in Norway and Sweden this end of the month.
Baltic countries.
For Estonia and Latvia the weather remained favorable throughout the month.
Central Europe.
In Belarus, the lack of humidity seems more marked, even though it was cooler at the end of the month.
In Poland good conditions with there also a slight lack of humidity, as in Ukraine and Germany.
Summary of the situation as of June 30.
The start of reproduction and then the crucial period of June went well for Woodcock, especially for hatching, including in Russia (around 70% of reproduction). Temperatures above average, little wind and thunderstorms, no dangerous and violent phenomena. Only the general tendency of a lack of humidity can disrupt the rearing of the young for lack of preys, especially if it were to last.
As a result, let's not be too optimistic, there are July and August to confirm. Especially since observing the weather conditions during breeding is relatively easy ; interpreting the reactions that Woodcock may have had to weather conditions is more complicated to analyze.
Months of July and August.
These two months correspond to a period considered as secondary, but the climatic conditions of which can disrupt the rearing of the young.
The trend towards lack of humidity and the onset of drought continued in July, in particular in the Scandinavian countries *, the Baltic States, a large part of Central Europe and occasionally in several regions of Russia. However, if there was little precipitation, the maximum temperatures were not too high.
Even if Russia (the first breeding country) was less affected, these climatic conditions certainly led to mortality in the young (especially those from the later broods) due to a lack of prey.
Scandinavia and the Baltic States have seen the return of rain with falling temperatures, increasing humidity, resulting in more normal climatic conditions. Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and Germany recorded consistently high temperatures, very little rain, accentuating the drought.
For Russia normal temperatures, little rain, still a lack of humidity in some regions, no or few violent phenomena (thunderstorms, storms)
Conclusion on the quality of Reproduction 2018.
As I anticipated, July and August came to disrupt a reproduction which promised to be rather good at the end of the crucial period (June 30). Woodcock especially the young, very sensitive to lack of humidity and drought, were necessarily affected. However the English Bécargos * (adults) did not seem embarrassed, all remaining on their breeding sites at least until the end of August.
Considering that around 40% of the large breeding areas have suffered a severe lack of humidity and drought, the 2018 breeding should be just Good Enough for the European Woodcock herd, especially since the September weather forecast would not improve the situation.
The importance of the post-breeding migratory woodcock population is dependent on two factors each season.
The quantity of surviving breeders.
The quality of reproduction which has just been analyzed.
From my point of view, for years and in particular at the end of the 2017/2018 season, the breeding population has been declining. With a 2018 reproduction that is just Fairly Good, the downward trend in the number of European Migrants will continue and increase.
It should be felt unevenly depending on the territory, with still this season of concentrations of birds, depending on weather conditions, the quality of biotopes (drought), but also the modification and reduction of habitats in the countries of wintering ; fires, mortality of certain forest species (boxwood moth), tendency to monoculture in more and more forests.
The most elementary wisdom concerning the management of the Woodcock, would require the hunting world to put in place in France, an effective reduction of the withdrawals for the season 2018/2019, as well as the closure of the hunt in the event of a cold snap with prolonged frost still possible especially in January, but not only.
But this is another story ...
Phynodderee does the show.
During the breeding season, English Bécargos can do the " show " ;
this is the case this year.
Phynodderee * female fitted in 2017 on the Isle of Man, went to breed in Russia (Udorsky district Komi Republic).
This year she arrived in Latvia (Skankaine) around April 11th. Surprise she stays there until around May 27th, so much so that I thought she would not be faithful to her breeding site ; I was wrong.
On June 13 it broadcasts in Russia (Lodeynopolsky) after having traveled 600 kms.
On 06/18 it still continues east-northeast and arrives at Plesetsky district (Oblast Arkhangelsk) after a flight of 400 kms ;
On 06/23 she made a small jump of 30 kms, then a new 20 kms on 06/28 and is in (Shenkursky district oblast Arkhangelsk) about 300 km from her 2017 breeding site.
Will she reach it ? The answer is yes.
Indeed, after having spent more than a month on this site, she broadcasts on August 13 from Udorsky her breeding site of 2017 that she had joined on May 25 last year.
His atypical behavior is interesting ; not sure she had a brood, the timing is tight.
* With significant forest fires : Finland, Norway and especially Sweden, extremely rare in these countries.
* Bécargos : Woodcock equipped with Argos beacons.
* From the English Woodcock Watch project.
Philippe Vignac
August 31, 2018